"Online Help, Devices"

No. 0842.26B.1-00

Date: January 2013

This document details the functionality of the following device and firmware variants:

Subject to technical change without notice.

The content of this Application Manual was compiled with the greatest care and attention, and based on the latest information available to us. We should nevertheless point out that this document cannot always be updated in line with ongoing technical developments in our products. Information and specifications may be subject to change at any time.

Available documents at a glance

Document Contents Description
Operation Manual Mechanical installation, Electrical installation, Safety, Specification


Online device help
(also as PDF)

Basic software description
Accessible in DriveManager 5

Online program help

(also as PDF)

DriveManager 5 Description

Accessible in DriveManager 5
CANopen/EtherCAT User Manual Description of CANopen/ EtherCAT field bus system Hardware and software of field bus version
SERCOS User Manual Description of
SERCOS II field bus system
Hardware and software of field bus version
PROFIBUS-DPV User Manual Description and parameter-setting of the ServoOne on the Profibus-DPV field bus system Hardware and software of field bus version

Tabelle: Overview of documents

How do I read the documentation?

First be sure to read the Operation Manual, so as to install the device correctly. The layout of the sections of this Application Manual and the order of subject areas in the DriveManager follow the chronological sequence of an initial commissioning procedure. For basic configuration and operation of the motor you should follow the descriptions in the sections of this Application Manual. If you intend to utilize further internal functions of the drive, such as digital or analog I/Os, you should read the corresponding sections in this documentation. Here you will also find information concerning errors and warnings. If you use a field bus option board to control a controller, please use the relevant separate bus documentation.


Disregarding the safety instructions during installation may pose a danger to life for operating personnel and result in destruction of the output system.


To provide clear guidance, this Application Manual uses pictograms. Their meanings are set out in the following table. The pictograms always have the same meanings, even where they are placed without text, such as next to a connection diagram.

Pictograms Meaning

Useful information


Misoperation may result in damage to the drive or malfunctions.

DANGER from electrical tension!

Improper behaviour may endanger human life.

DANGER from rotating parts:

The drive may execute uncontrolled movements!

Tabelle: Meanings of pictograms

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