NAVIGATION: Alarms and warnings > Error reactions

Error reactions

Assignment of error reactions

Each of the errors listed in parameter P 0030 Error Reaction (index 0-47) can be assigned one of the error reactions listed below.


P. no. Parameter name/ Settings Function
P 0030 ErrorReactions Programmable error reaction
(0) Ignore Ignore error:
Exception: In the case of the HW limit switch a warning is generated (P 0034 bit 29 or bit 30)
(1) Specific1 Report error:
Reaction is executed by external controller. Error reaction is terminated by iPLC function block. Exception: In the case of the HW limit switch a warning is generated (P-0034 bit 29 or bit 30) and a HALT request (brake with ramp dependent on HALT option code, without changing DRIVECOM system state). At standstill the relevant direction is blocked as long as the limit switch is active.
(2) Specific 2

Report error:
Reaction is executed by iPLC

Error reaction is executed according to the preset "Specific2 error option code" (P 0038).


  • DisableDriveFunction 0: disable drive, motor is free to rotate
  • ExtDisableStandstill -1: external reaction disable drive at standstill or timeout
    (P 0154)
  • ExtDisableTimeout -2: external reaction disable drive at timeout
    (P 0154)
  • PlcDisableTimeout -3: iPLC reaction, disable drive at timeout
    (P 0154)
  • PlcDisable -4: iPLC reaction
(3) FaultReactionOptionCode Report error: Reaction dependent on "Fault reaction codes"
(4) ServoStop Report error: Execute quick-stop and wait for control to restart.
(5) ServoStopAndLock Report error: Execute quick-stop, switch off power stage. Protection against restart.
(6) ServoHalt Report error: Switch off power stage
(7) ServoHaltAndLock Report error: Switch off power stage, protection against restart
(8) WaitERSAndReset Report error: Switch off power stage, reset error (only by 24 V control voltage Off/On)

Tabelle: Error reactions

Error list.htm

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