NAVIGATION: Limits_Thresholds > Power failure reaction

Power failure reaction

Response to power failure

If the value of the DC link voltage drops below the value set in parameter P 0747 MON_PF_OnLimit , the error ERR-34 "Power failure detected" is reported and the parameterised error reaction is triggered. By parameterizing a quick stop as the error reaction with a sufficiently steep deceleration ramp, the DC link voltage can be maintained above the undervoltage threshold (power failure bridging). This reaction lasts until the drive has been braked to a low speed.

Power failure reaction

P. no. Parameter name/Setting Function
P 0747 MON_PF_ONLimit Voltage threshold for power failure reaction
P 0749 MON_Def_OverVoltage DC link overvoltage
The default setting is 0 V (function "Off").

Tabelle: Voltage threshold for power failure