NAVIGATION: Motion profile > Analog channel

Analog channel


Two standard analog inputs ISA00, ISA01 are available. The negative indices are set for analog reference input, and the positive indices for digital reference processing. The option REV(-2) = Analog command specifies an analog voltage of +/- 10 V.


Bild: Reference processing

Bild: Standard analog inputs

Position reference input via analog channel

With the analog inputs ISA00 or ISA01 absolute position references can be specified for position control. The connected input voltage is assigned to the maximum position reference value by means of a scaling factor in the range ±10 V. Setting a position offset can compensated for component variations. A threshold value can also be specified which generates a run-on range around the last reference value. A ramp function calculates a motion profile for the position reference from pre-defined acceleration and speed limits.
The position references on the analog channel are not applied immediately, but dependent on a digital input. For this, one of the digital inputs ISD00 to ISD06 must be parameterized to the value REFANAEN(28). The received position reference is only applied when the corresponding digital input is TRUE. The acceleration is entered in parameter P 0173[0] MPRO_ANA0_TScale or P 0183[0] MPRO_ANA1_TScale.


P. no.

Parameter name



P 0173

P 0183

Scaling factor Scaling
(0) MPRO_ANAX_TScale Scaling of torque reference
(1) MPRO_ANAX_SScale Scaling of speed reference
(2) MPRO_ANAX_PScale Scaling of position reference

P 0174

P 0184

(0) MPRO_ANAX_TOffset Torque reference offset
(1) MPRO_ANAX_SOffset Speed reference offset
(2) MPRO_ANAX_POffset Position reference offset
P 0175/

P 0185
(0) MPRO_ANAX_TThreshold Torque reference backlash
(1) MPRO_ANAX_SThreshold Speed reference backlash
(2) MPRO_ANAX_PThreshold Position reference backlash

P 0176

P 0186

Acceleration/braking ramp for torque  
(0) MPRO_ANAX_TRamp Speed acceleration ramp
(1) MPRO_ANAX_TRamp Speed braking ramp
P 0177/

P 0187
Acceleration/braking ramp for speed  
(0) MPRO_ANAX_SRamp Speed acceleration ramp
(1) MPRO_ANAX_SRamp Speed braking ramp
P 0405/
P 0406

Filter time (0-100 ms)

Tabelle: Reference processing, analog inputs ISA00, ISA01
