NAVIGATION: Motion profile > Touchprobe


Configuration of touchprobe functionality

Using the touchprobe inputs ISD05 and ISD06, touchprobe functions can be performed. HTL encoders can be evaluated or pulse counters implemented using the iPLC.

The touchprobe is activated via parameter P 0240 "MPRO_TP_Ctrl". This enables triggering on a positive or negative edge, or on both edges, of the signal detected on the touchprobe inputs. After the measurement, the parameter jumps back to the value "NONE (0)" and the latch position is mapped in the corresponding subindex of parameter P 0241 "MPRO_TP_Position". A continuous touchprobe mode is not possible at present, so the touchprobe has to be reactivated after the measurement.
Parameter P 1402 "MPRO_TP_Channel" can be used to select various positions as actual value sources of the latch position for the touchprobe functionality.

The following table provides an overview of the available settings. The inputs for ISD05 and ISD06 must be parameterized to Touchprobe (PROBE(15)). The counters are accessed via the iPLC or a bus system.

Device setup > Configuration of inputs/outputs > Digital inputs Parameter name Settings Function
P 0106 MPRO_INPUT_FS_ISD05 Function of digital input ISD 05
(15) Probe(15) Touchprobe
P 0107 MPRO_INPUT_FS_ISD06 Function of digital input ISD 06
(15) Probe(15) Touchprobe

Tabelle: Configuration of inputs

Device setup > Motion profile > Touchprobe

Parameter name Settings Function
P1400 MPRO_TP_Config Touchprobe configuration
(0) TP_TP ISD05, ISD06: Touchprobe
(1) AB ISD05, ISD06 as encoder tracks A/B, count direction via evaluation of pulse sequence
(2) PD_UP ISD05: Pulse counter (rising edge) ISD06: Count direction (TRUE := positive count direction)
(3) PD_DOWN ISD05: Pulse counter (rising edge) ISD06: Count direction (TRUE := negative count direction)
(4) PC_PC ISD05, ISD06: Pulse counter (both edges)
(5) PC_TP ISD05: Pulse counter (both edges) ISD06: Touchprobe
(6) TP_PC ISD05: Touchprobe ISD06: Pulse counter (both edges)

Tabelle: Touchprobe configuration P 1400

Device setup > Motion profile > Touchprobe (only for ISD05/ISD06) Parameter name Settings Function
P1402 MPRO_TP_Channel Touchprobe configuration Probe channel
(0) ACTPOS (0) Actual position in user units
(1) ACTPOSINC (1) Actual position in increments
(2) MASTERPOS (2) Master position in increments
(3) ENCPOS_CH1 (3) Encoder position Channel 1
(4) ENCPOS_CH1_INC (4) Encoder position Channel 1 in increments
(5) ENCPOS_CH2 (5) Encoder position Channel 2
(6) ENCPOS_CH2_INC (6) Encoder position Channel 2 in increments
(7) ENCPOS_CH3 (7) Encoder position Channel 3
(8) ENCPOS_CH3_INC (8) Encoder position Channel 3 in increments
(9) ENCPOS_CH4 (9) Encoder position Channel 4
(10) ENCPOS_CH4_INC (10) Encoder position Channel 4 in increments
(11) ACTPOS2 (11) Actual position of redundant encoder in user units
(12) SERCOS(12) Referred to Sercos profile parameters S-x-0426, S-x-0427

Tabelle: Touchprobe configuration P 1402

Touchprobe configuration Parameter name Settings Function
P 0240 MPRO_TP_Ctrl Touchprobe control word
(0) NONE (0) No function
(1) POS (1) Positive edge
(2) NEG (2) Negative edge
(3) BOTH (3) Both edges
P 0241 MPRO_TP_Position Touchprobe latch position ISD05 and ISD06
(0)   Latch position ISD05, positive edge
(1)   Latch position ISD05, negative edge
(2)   Latch position ISD06, positive edge
(3)   Latch position ISD06, negative edge


For more information refer to the bus system user manuals or the description of the iPLC.