NAVIGATION: Inputs/outputs > Digital outputs > Reference limitation LIMIT (14)

Reference limitation LIMIT (14)

The output function LIMIT(14) detects when a reference value reaches its limit. In this case the output is set. The limit values for maximum torque and maximum speed depend on the preset control system.

Torque control

Limit value monitoring becomes active when the torque reference exceeds the maximum torque.

Speed control

Limit value monitoring becomes active when the speed reference exceeds the maximum speed.


Limit value monitoring becomes active when the speed reference exceeds the maximum speed or the torque reference exceeds the maximum torque.

Infinite positioning/speed mode:

Monitoring is activated in infinite positioning (speed mode) when the speed reference has been reached. If an ongoing positioning operation is interrupted with "HALT", the "Reference reached" message is not sent in this phase. The message only appears after the actual target position has been reached.