NAVIGATION: Field buses > CANopen, EtherCAT

CANopen, EtherCAT

The CANopen communication profile is documented in CiA301. It differentiates between Process Data Objects (PDOs) and Service Data Objects (SDOs). The Communication Profile additionally defines a simplified network management system. Based on the communication services of CiA 301 (Rev. 4.01) the device profile for variable-speed drives CiA 402 was created. It describes the operation modes and device parameters supported.


For EtherCAT communication CoE (CAN over EtherCAT) is used. In this, the EtherCAT real-time protocol is used as the transport system for another protocol. Other commonly used variants alongside CoE are SoE (Servodrive-Profile over EtherCAT), EoE (Ethernet over EtherCAT) and FoE (File Access over EtherCAT). EtherCAT features real-time capability, fast sampling times and exact synchronization based on the principle of distributed clocks in the slave devices.


For a detailed description of the CANopen field bus system refer to the separate "CANopen User Manual" and "CANopen EtherCAT User Manual".


"EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany."