NAVIGATION: encoder > X8_(Option_Channel3) > SSI_module > Parameterization of SSI encoder simulation

Parameterization of SSI encoder simulation

SSI encoder simulation is enabled as soon as parameter P 2800 TOPT_SSI_Mode is set to 1. The parameter is located in the parameter group "Encoder > SSI Encoder simulation". The parameters are in the parameter group "Encoder > SSI encoder simulation", and all have the prefix "TOPT_SSI".


P. no.



P2800 EncSimEnable Enable SSI encoder simulation
P2801 MultiT Number of multi-turn bits to transfer
P2802 SingleT Number of single-turn bits to transfer
P2803 Polarity No-load level of data line
  False Clock line resting at Low level
  True Clock line resting at High level
P2804 Phase Indicates the clock edge at which new data are set
  False Sets data on the leading edge
  True Sets data on the following edge
P2805 PartyEnable   Enable the parity bit
P2806 PartyType ODD Odd parity
  EVEN Even parity
P2807 SyncOffset Shift of synchronization signal to closed-loop control cycle
P2808 SyncUse Synchronization to read cycle
P2809 InSync False ServoOne does not run synchronously with the read clock
  True ServoOne has synchronized to the read cycle
P28010 EncobsUse Enables transfer of an additional encoder monitoring bit

Tabelle: SSI encoder simulation parameters