NAVIGATION: encoder > X8_(Option_Channel3) > TTL_Encoder simulation > Parameterization of the TTL encoder

Parameterization of the TTL encoder

Interface configuration of encoder for loop control

By way of P 0520, P 0521, P 0522 the physical encoder interface is adapted to the
current, speed or position controller.


P. no.



P 0520 ENC_MCon Encoder Selection of encoder channel for commutation angle and current control. Feedback signal for field-oriented regulation.
P 0521 ENC_SCon Encoder Selection of encoder channel for speed configuration. Feedback signal for speed controller
P 0522 ENC_PCon Encoder Selection of encoder channel for position information. Feedback signal for position controller
Parameter settings apply to P 0520, P 0521, P 0522
(0) Off  
(1) CH1  
(2) CH2  
(3) CH3  

Tabelle: Parameterization of encoder interface

Configuration of TTL encoder simulation and repeater mode

The TTL module can simulate a TTL encoder with the aid of encoder simulation. In this, the encoder simulation forms incremental encoder-compatible pulses from the position of the rotary encoder connected to the motor. Two 90° offset signals are generated on tracks A and B as well as a zero pulse (track R). The pulses per revolution of the encoder simulation can be set over a range from 0 to 65535 by way of P 2621.
In repeater mode (only TTL signals can be evaluated) the TTL signal connected to X7 or X8 is outputted by way of encoder simulation. The transmission is isolated. The signal delay of the repeater function is < 2 µs.

Bild: Pulse direction signals


P. no.



P2825 EncSimSel

Configuration of signal selection
Encoder simulation (1) to (5)
Repeater mode (6), (7)
(0) OFF Function not active
(1) Act.Pos Actual position value
(2) Act.Pos.Inv Actual position value inverted
(3) Ref.Pos

Position reference value

(4) Ref.Pos.Inv Position reference value inverted
(5) Virtual Master Virtual position of the module
(6) Repeater X7 Repeater mode active, TTL input signals on X7/8 are outputted without taking into account the preset pulses per revolution in parameter P 2621 by way of encoder simulation.
(7) Repeater X8


1.. 220

Configuration of pulses per revolution for encoder simulation



Position of the zero pulse scaled to 216 per revolution (360°)

Tabelle: Selector settings


Pulses per revolution Encoder simulation rpm Master encoder input rpm
8192 6000 3000
16384 3660 1830
32768 1830 915

Tabelle: Rotation speeds for high pulses per revolution (max. signal frequency)