NAVIGATION: Closed-loop control > Speed control > Digital filters

Digital filters

Setting of filter combinations

To filter any noise on the actual speed value, or to damp resonance frequencies, various filter combinations can be used. A range of filter variants are available. The coefficients of the transfer function are automatically determined as soon as the values for the middle and limit frequency and the width have been entered.

Bild: Selection of various digital filters

Bode diagrams PT1 to PT4 Phase response

Bild: Bode diagrams PT1 to PT4


P. no. Parameter name Function
P 0325 CON_SCON_FilterFreq Limit frequencies
(0) 1 - 8000 Hz Middle, limit frequency
(1) 1 - 8000 Hz Width
(2) 1 - 8000 Hz Middle, limit frequency
(3) 1 - 8000 Hz Width
P 0326 CON_SCON_FilterAssi Filter selector
(0) Off No filter active
(1) USER Manual writing of filter coefficients
(2) Notch Selection of a notch filter with the limit frequency from P 0325(0) CON_SCON_FilterFreq and the bandwidth from P 0325(1).
(3) Notch_Notch Selection of a notch filter with the limit frequency from P 0325(0) and bandwidth from P 0325(1) in series with a notch filter with the limit frequency fromP 0325(2) and bandwidth fromP 0325(3)
(4) Notch_PT1 NOTCH_PT1(4) and NOTCH_PT2(5): A notch filter with the blocking frequency in P 0325(0) and bandwidth in
P 0325(1)
in series with a low-pass filter with limit frequency in P 0325(2).
(5) Notch_PT2
(6) PT1 PT1(6), PT2(7), PT3(8), PT4(9): A low-pass filter with the limit frequency in
P 0325(2)At lower frequencies higher-order filters (PT3, PT4) should not be used.
(7) PT2
(8) PT3  
(9) PT4  
P 0327 CON_SCON_FilterPara

Coefficients of the digital filter

(0) b0 Filter coefficients
(1) b1
(2) b2
(3) b3
(4) b4
(5) a1
(6) a2
(7) a3
(8) a4

Tabelle: Parameters to set the filter constants

Vorgehensweise: FFT signal analysis

FFT without filtering FFT with filtering

Tabelle: FFT transformation


Note that the filters not only have an effect on the amount but also on the phase of the frequency response. At lower frequencies higher-order filters (PT3, PT4) should not be used, as the phase within the control bandwidth is negatively influenced.

The coefficients can also be specified directly via parameter P 0327 CON_SCON_FilterPara. They take effect directly, so changing them is only recommended when the control is switched off.


A large bandwidth results in less attenuation of the limit frequency.