Speed gain reduction

Reduction at low speeds

If the speed controller is set very dynamically, at low speeds or speed zero unwanted oscillation of the speed controller may occur. The tendency to oscillate is reduced by suitable setting of parameter P 0336 CON_SCON_KpScaleSpeedZero.

Bild: Speed gain reduction at low speeds



P. no.



P 0336 CON_SCON_KpScaleSpeedZero Reduction in speed gain at low speeds or speed 0. To avoid oscillation. The preset action range applies to positive and negative speeds.
(0)   Weighting of reduction in speed controller gain
(1 = 100%)
(1)   Action range of reduction:
Speed limit for "speed zero reached" (standstill window).
(2)   Filter time for
speed transition from 0 to nmax
(3)   Filter time for
speed transition from nmax to 0

Tabelle: Setting parameters for reduction