NAVIGATION: Closed-loop control > Process controller > Function of process controller

Function of process controller

The process controller function enables a measured process variable to be controlled to a reference (setpoint) value.


Controller structure

Bild: Schematic of process controller

Vorgehensweise: Process controller setup

Rate limiter

Downstream of the control variable limiter there is another limitation which limits the changes to the control variable per sampling segment. By way of field parameter

P 2680 CON_PRC_Rate Limiter the limitation of the control variable steepness per millisecond can be parameterized. By way of index (0) the limitation is active in standard process controller operation. By way of index (1) reduction of the I-component is activated (see table).

With P 2672 CON_PRC_OUTSEL = 3 the process controller delivers an additive position reference value. The rate limiter limits the possible control variable change. The control variable change each time interval by the process controller results in a speed change on the motor shaft.


The amount of the process controller to change the speed on the motor shaft should not be higher than 100 revolutions per minute. To achieve this, the value of parameter P 2680 (0) CON_PRC_Rate Limiter must be parameterized with a value corresponding to the user unit. The unit of this parameter is [x/ms]. The x stands for the respective unit of the process controller output variable. In this example the control variable (additive position reference) has the unit "Increments"

(see also parameter P 270 MPRO_FG_PosNorm). This parameter indicates how many increments correspond to one motor revolution.

Conversion from [rpm] to [Inc/ms]

nchange = 100 rpm

P 0270 MPRO_FG_PosNorm in inc/rev

Internal position resolution = 1048576 inc/rev (default)

To reduce the I-component, the same method is applicable

P 2680(1) CON_PRC_Rate Limiter(1) [Inc/ms]).

P 2680 CON_PRC_Rate Limiter = n change*1048576 *1/60000

P 2680 [Inc/ms] = 100 [rpm] * P 0270 [Inc/rev] * 1/60 [min/s*] * 1/1000 [s/ms]

Scope signals for visualization of the process control loop

No. Parameter name Function
P2675 CON_PRC_Cdiff_ Control difference of the process controller
P2666 CON_PRC_RefVal Process controller reference
P2673 CON_PRC_Raw_ActVal Actual value of the selected actual value source )
P2674 CON_RPC_Actval Momentary actual value of the process controller; after filtering and scaling

P2676 CCON_PRC_Outval Process controller control variable

Tabelle: Scope signals

Process controller parameters

P. no. Parameter name Function
P2659 CON_PRC_Kp P-gain of the process controller
P2660 CON_PRC_KP_SCALE Adaptation of the P-gain
P2661 CON_PRC_Tn Process controller integral-action time
P2662 CON_PRC_REFOFFSET Offset for the process controller output
P2663 CON_PRC_LIMPOS Positive process controller limitation
P2664 CON_PRC_LIMNEG Negative process controller limitation
P2665 CON_PRC_CDIFF_SIGN Adaptation of control difference sign
P2666 CON_PRC_REFVAL Process control reference value
P2667 CON_PRC_REFSCALE Scaling factor for the process controller reference
P2668 CON_PRC_ACTSEL Selection of the actual value source
(0) ISA00 Analog input 0
(1) ISA01 Analog input 1
(2) Fieldbus Field bus parameter
CON PRC_ACTVAL_Fieldbus-ID 2677
(3) REFSPEED Actual speed [rpm]
(4) REFPOS Actual position [increments]
(5) ISQREF This function requires further parameter settings – see "Rack and Pinion Control (RPDC)". (Only on request)
P2669 CON_PRC_ACTOFFSET Offset for actual value calibration
P2670 CON_PRC_ACTTF Filter time for actual value filter
P2671 CON_PRC_ACTSCALE Scaling for the filtered process actual value
P2672 CON_PRC_OUTSEL Selection parameter for the process controller output
(1) REFTORQUE Additive torque reference
(2) REFSPEED Additive speed reference
(3) REFPOS Additive position reference
(4) MOPRO_Output to P 2678 Value for MotionProfile (CON_PRC_OUTSEL_MOPRO – ID 2678)
P2673 CON_PRC_RAW_ACTVAL Actual value of the selected actual value source
P2674 CON_PRC_ACTVAL Momentary actual value of the process controller after filtering and scaling
P2675 CON_PRC_CDIFF Control difference of the process control loop
P2676 CON_PRC_OUTVAL Process controller control variable
P2677 CON_PRC_ACTVAL_FIELDBUS Parameter to which an actual value can be written from the field bus
P2678 CON_PRC_OUTSEL_MOPRO Parameter to which the control variable can be written in order to be subsequently used in the motion profile.
P2679 CON_PRC_RefReached "Reference reached" window
P2680 CON_PRC_RateLimiter Steepness limitation of the control variable
(0) RateLimiter Steepness limitation in standard process controller operation; unit: [Userunits/ms]
(1) RateLimiter Steepness limitation to reduce the process controller I-component; unit: [Userunits/ms]
P2681 CON_PRC_CtrlWord Control word of the process controller
(0) PRC_CTRL_ON Bit 0 = 1: START; switch on process controller
(1) PRC_CTRL_ResetIReady Bit 1 = 1: Reset I-component via ramp after
P 2680 /subindex 1
(2) PRC_CTRL_FREE Bit 2-7 Reserve
P2882 CON_PRC_StatWord Status word of the process controller
(0) PRC_STAT_On The value of bit 0 indicates whether the process controller is switched on
(1) PRC_STAT_ResetIReady Bit 1 signifies that the I-component of the process controller is reduced
(2) PRC_STAT_FREE Reserve
P2683 CON_PRC_REFSEL Selection of reference source
(0) USER User reference of P 2684


Reference of planetary gear
(2) ISA00 Reference of analog input ISA00
(3) ISA01 Reference value of analog input ISA01
P2684 CON_PRC_REFVAL_User User input of process control reference

Tabelle: Process controller parameters