January 07, 2013 Version 5.0 MINIMUM CONFIGURATION: - Windows XP Service pack 2 operating system - Microsoft .Net Framework v3.5 installed RESTRICTION: For the Windows 7 professional 64 bits version, the service pack 1 must be installed HISTORY: -------- Version 5.0 ----------- - New version of the server of communication (V3.0) with device simulator - New presentation of the dialog window module - New features in the oscilloscope module (display in real time of the signal for the channel used for the trigger) - Various corrections and improvements for all the modules. Version 4.8 ------------- - New additional error codes. - Addition of the power supply and braking resistor management Version 4.7.4 ------------- - New version of the server of communication (V2.1) - Various corrections and improvements. Version 4.7.1 ------------- - New version of the server of communication (V2.0) - Consideration of the multi-core processor in the firmware updating procedure. - Management of the multi-axis devices. - Various corrections and improvements. Version 4.6.2 ------------- - Addition of the motors XtraForsPrime 230V from Mavilor and corrections in the parameters for the XtraForsPrime 400V. Version 4.6.1 ------------- - Correction in the customized dictionaries management. Version 4.6 ----------- - Modification of the device info. window in order to display additionnal informations. - Consideration of the new drive range: 400V/100A - A user of the level 2 can now use the dialog window only for read parameters - Addition of the possibility to copy the drive errors list to the clipboard. - Addition of the speed following error management - Various corrections and improvements. Version 4.5.1 ------------- - Correction of a problem to simulate a new added device in an existing project. - Correction of a problem to read path information in Windows registry with certain version of Window Seven. - Correction of the picture for the controller diagram Version 4.5 ----------- - Multilingual software in english, french and german. - Consideration of the user units in the sequence report printing. - New additional error codes. - Additional help display (accessible via F1 key) for all modules. - Implementation of procedures in wizard mode for guiding the operator. - The installation of IXXAT drivers is now optional. - Various corrections and improvements. Version 4.4.3 ------------- - Modification of the default configuration file in order to correct a problem for a first installation in german. Version 4.4.2 ------------- - Correction of a problem to display strings of characters in the Device Control window. - Change of the object used to display the Analog. Speed Ref. in the Device Control window. Version 4.4 ----------- - New Drive communication server using the .NET environment. - Modification of the file structure and of the recordings in the Windows registry in order to get the software usable by a user who does not have administrator rights. - Errors in red and information in green for the display of the information messages. - The new server version allows to force the drive baudrate at the speed selected by the user. - Additional possibility to open the software by double-click on a project file (.prj). - Additional display of a "splashscreen" window when launching the main interface with display of the actions executed during the start phase. - Management of the SinCos track sensors. - Fixed problem of the interface display after closing the software with a minimized window. - Multilingual installer (english, french and german). - Additional parameter for the "pulses duty cycle" tolerance of the encoder output. Version 3.6 ----------- - Addition of the possibility to select the bandwidth before to start the current loop gains calculation procedure. - Various corrections and improvements. Version 3.5 ----------- - Addition of the asynchronous motors management - Addition of a window for the CANopen external I/O module configuration. - Additional possibility to select the file to save a new motor in the motor catalog window. - Addition of a link to the quick start manual (pdf format) in the menu Infos - Addition of the Position Limits configuration window. - Various corrections and improvements. Version 3.4 ----------- - The restore procedure is aborted if the backup files doesn't contain at least the DRIVEPAR.TXT file. - Correction of the inversion between IN3 and IN5 for the template "Advanced stepper emulation". IN3 is dedicated to the DIR function, and IN5 is dedicated to the PULSE function. Version 3.3 ----------- - Correction of a bug for the input object selection in the "Master-slave" window. - Addition of a message indicating that the parameters have been changed at the software closing after a template selection. - Removal of the pointer in the motor file list corresponding to the motor memorized in the drive. - Each motor file is divided in several parts in order to show the various motor families. - Addition of the motor file name displayed in the motor file list. - A complementary decimal digit is displayed in the motors list for the kt and the inertia. - In the Position Sensor parameters window, addition of a warning message if the position resolution is lower than 1000. - Memorization of the last used position and sized for all the interfaces. - Correction of the bug in the oscilloscope: the trigger type was modified after a channel configuration change. Version 3.2 ----------- - If a device is removed from the project, the pertaining directory of this device is also deleted from the hard disk. - Additional possibility to modify a device name in the context menu. - When deleting or changing a device name, the confirmation message specifies that this change cannot be cancelled. - Deletion of the directories of drives added but not saved when quitting the software, as well as of the temporary project file (.back). - Bug correction regarding the detection of a device in Boot Manager mode. - Correction of a bug that generated a capacity overshoot when the Factor parameter of a Gearing sequence exceeded 32767. - Improvement of the archiving and dearchiving procedures of a project. - Improvement of the firmware update procedure. - Addition of buttons allowing to stop the Stepper emulation, IP and Gearing modes in the Device Control windows. - Correction of the bit reversal in the Exit Mode field of the Master Slave window. - Decoding update of the signal units in the oscilloscope. - The "restore" command is limited at the actually connected drives only. Version 3.1 ----------- - Addition of the Gearing mode processing. - Additional saving of the configuration files for the oscilloscope and for the terminal in the project archiving. - Bug correction of the current actions display in the "File Service" window, when upgrading a firmware. - Correction of a bug that hindered the loading of user programs larger than 32 kB. - In the "CAN configuration" window, addition of a button allowing to export the configuration in the clipboard. - Various corrections and improvements. Version 3.0 ----------- - When starting the software on the last project, the menus pertaining to the project ("save project", "save project as...", "close project") are no more disabled. - When simulating a drive, the software does not propose anymore to save the modified parameters when quitting the application. - Correction of a problem when reading "string of character" objects when the drive is simulated (example: "Device Infos" window). - Modification of the operation descriptions for the field "Disable operation" in the "Stop Operation" window. - Correction of a problem when saving the motors in the catalog. This problem was hindering the correct identification of the motor saved in the drive, if it had a personal code. - Addition of the possibility to use the COM ports 1 to 16. The port selection is now made from a drop-down list in the "Communication Configuration" window. - A hardware COM port is no more necessary when a drive simulation is required, except if, in the project, some drives are simulated and others really connected. - Modification of the communication server for improving the transfer times when using a USB/serial link adapter. - Addition of the Modulo configuration window. - In the treeview, selection of a source program file by a sample click in place of a double-click. - Modification of error message: "Short-circuit fault" is replaced by "IGBT module error". - Addition of the possibility to connect a device even if the library of extended dictionaries is not up to date. In this case, the most recent and compatible dictionary is used. - Various corrections and improvements Version 2.5 ----------- - Correction of a problem that hindered the display of the user program name in progress in the programming window. - Correction of a bug in the sequence editor, that hindered the backup of negative speeds. - Corrected re-reading problem of the "Free running" parameter in the "Servo mode" window. - Improvement of the protection against the writing of empty files in the drive. - Correction of a bug in the oscilloscope regarding the display for time basis multiples of 250 ms. - Correction of a problem in the oscilloscope, that hindered the correct time basis re-reading in the stored files. - In the oscilloscope, programming of the fist sub-index value for the "Receive/Transmit PDO mapping" objects, that indicates the number of mapped objects in the PDO. - Corrected problem regarding the recovery of windows in the oscilloscope, when option "Always on top" is active. - Improved coherence of the data sent back by the server for a simulation drive. - Removal of the "Parameter files" window and creation of two different windows: "Drive parameter files" and "User parameter files". The last one is accessible in expert mode only. - Additional forcing of the parameter backup before starting a backup procedure, in order to make sure that the backup will occur with up-to-date files. - Modification of the image used for the backup representation, which indicates at first a storage of the parametes in the flash memory before starting the backup. - Additional memorization of the modification of one or several parameters for each drive, with the possibility to start a backup (confirmed by the user) before disconnection. - When testing a program, the software resetted the client modules (oscilloscope, terminal) in order to reset the object lists (parameters). Additional backup instruction for the project configuration on client modules before this reset, in order to avoid loosing the current configuration. - In case of non-decoded error, only the non-decoded error or warning bits will be displayed in the message. - Correction of a problem in the programming part concerning the display of a message indicating the impossibility to open the .PRG file. - Improved coherence between the reader name and the pertaining directories in the dialog box of a directory selection. Version 2.4 ----------- - Modified ending of the firmware update procedure in "File Service", in order to avoid the error message "File reading error" after disconnecting and re-connecting the drive. - Modified reading and writing procedures of a parameter in the drive. If the parameter is unknown, an error message is displayed but the communication is no more interrupted. - Correction of the value inversion between the 24 V logic option and the opto-isolated 24 V in the "Stepper input configuration" window. - Sequence editor: -> Addition of controls and limitations in relation with the maximum authorized number of sequences for the connected drive. -> Sequence memorizing during the edition between two openings of the editor. - Addition of the possibility to import a .zip file containing template files. - Correction of a bug that hindered the display of the parametrization windows "Analog Output" and "Encoder Output". - Added processing of the object short lists pertaining to the templates and displayed in the terminal and in the oscilloscope. - Addition of the possibility to modify the drive communication speed on the serial port. - Taking into account of the HES type encoders. - Addition of the possibility to import a dictionary file in XML format or of several dictionaries contained in a .zip file. - Addition of the Templates filing and selection per product family. - Correction of a problem that sometimes hindered to re-launch a bus scan. - Correction of a problem that sometimes generated an execution error when exporting the configuration of a parametrization window in the MVT task. - Correction of a bug that hindered the menu release during the restoring procedure of parameter files. - Additional forbidding of the following procedures with a message display if the motor is enabled: -> Restoring of the parameter files -> Modification of the position sensor parameters -> Selection of a new motor. - Addition of a drive error reset before launching the parameter reading procedure of an Hiperface Encoder. Version 2.3.1 ------------- - Addition of a button used for reset of the I/O configuration. - Management of the start condition inputs (sequence mode) in the logical inputs configuration window - Addition of the minimum drive configuration test before applying a new template. - Modification of the analog inputs management in the I/O configuration window in expert mode. - Addition of new templates - Externalization of all pictures in order to reduce the size of the executable. - Fixed bug in the user motor catalog: The first record of the motor type (rotative or linear) was incorrect. - Modification of the server command progression information (bargraph in the toolbar area) - Update of the position loop feedback object when a new motor parameter is sent to the drive. - Addition of the "SDcard" folder in the project archive file. - Implementation of the "Backup" and "Restore" procedures for a single device or for the complete application. - Addition of the template information in the device tooltiptext, in the treeview. - Oscilloscope: the screen color is now in accordance with the text color for a print with ink economy option. - Oscilloscope: Fixed bug on the digital trigger. - Management of a new drive mode: Analog Torque Mode - Fixed problem regarding the communication between the drive and a PC with a Chinese version of Windows. Version 2.2: ------------ - Multiaxis implementation for the oscilloscope - Various corrections and improvements Version 2.1: ------------ - Templates management for device configuration. Version 2.0: ------------ 1/ Main interface: - Fixed problem in "File Service", which inhibited any action (reading, list, ...) if a previously opened file was still open. - Implementation of the "Save as..." function for projects. - Addition of the parameter file managing window with explanation diagrams. - Addition of the possibility to change the NodeID of a drive via the context menu. - Addition of the drive type display in the drive tooltiptext of the treeview. - Fixed problem in the SD card file generation: when launching the generation with the drive connected, the keyword "NODE" was not written in the GD1RUN.txt file, and the WRST at the end either. - Inhibiting of some parts of the software according to the modes and functions supported by the drive. - The parametrization items are only created when connecting after the reading of the functions supported by the drive. - Download of the object dictionary: addition of the number of indexes and sub-indexes in the file header. - Motor files management: the feedback offset is now mentioned in electrical degrees in the motor files, which corresponds to the displayed value. This value is converted in mechanical degrees before being sent to the drive. - Implementation of a first simulator version. - "Servo mode" window: addition of the Control Word and Status Word display, and possibility to change the Control Word value. - Reset of the speed input command if the Quick Stop (protection) is selected. - Modification of the Device Control window for the selecting the various operation modes in a list. - For all modules: taking into account of additional plug-ins (EtherCAT, ...). - Main interface: use of a configuration file in text format like the other modules. - Modification communication configuration window for selecting the node numbers individually or by range (same for oscilloscope and terminal). - Addition of the speed display in rpm in the "Device control" window. - Addition of the bus scan function with drive detection and automatic project definition. - In the SD card file generation, drives having neither an SD card reader nor file system. - Possibility to enter/display the speed input command in user units or rpm in the "Device control" window. - Possibility of the drive firmware update in the "File service" window. - Possibility of displaying additional status on the logic outputs and of controlling addition functions via the logic inputs. - Addition of the drive bus status in the CAN configuration window. - Modification of the auto-tuning window for displaying the operation mode selection. - Addition of the analog inputs configuration. - Modification of the motor thermal sensor management and memory-saving of the threshold values in kOhms in the motor files. - Removed use of the object dictionaries in the projects. Replaced by the library dictionaries. - Default use of the parameter files when adding a drive into the project and use of this file for the simulation. - Integration of the IXXAT drivers in the package. These drivers, as well as the drivers of the XML 4.0 pack are installed only if they are not yet available on the PC. - Memorization into the configuration file of the speed unit for the Device Control window (user unit or rpm). - Addition of a display configuration window ("Device Control" window complete or reduced and status LEDs of the devices). - Display, in the "Device Control" window, only of the I/Os available in the drive. 2/ Sequence editor: - Addition of the CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+X and CTRL+O processing in the edition. - Setting of default values when selecting an empty sequence. - The StartCond and EndCond parameters read in a file can have any digit number between 0 and 1, but only the last 8 digits are displayed in the editor. 3/ Oscilloscope: - Addtion of the signal unit saving in the files. - The "Start" button is active again at the end of the acquisition and not after the end of the transfer. - Taking into account of the pre-trigger delay. - Addition of new LED colours: Red Led: Wait for trigger Green Led: Stopped Yellow Led: Data buffering in progress Purple Led: Wait for delay - Modification of the cursor management: value modifications by drag and drop instead of left and right mouse button click. Same for the trigger. - Addition of a context menu allowing an auto-offset when clicking on cursor T1. - Addition of a context menu allowing the analog trigger type adjustment when clicking on the trigger line. - Addition of a context menu on the screen for lauching an auto-range. - Signal index and sub-index display in the signal name tooltip of the window. - Dotted display of the measuring cursors and of the triggering level. - Addition of the display resolution selection before the curve transfer. - Oscilloscope and Terminal: Use of two configuration files: one standard configuration file located in the installation directory and one project configuration file located in each project's directory and containing the modules configuration memory with regard to the project (drive list, selected objects, ...). Version 1.4: ------------ - Takes into account additionnal encoder sensors in the "Position sensor configuration" window. - Addition of a frame which indicates the current programmed position sensor into the "Motor configuration" window. - Display of the communication server type and speed in the status bar. - Management and display of the drive warnings in the "Device Control" window. - Addition of a version number for the Terminal and the Oscilloscope modules. - Modification of the SD card files generation procedure: In online mode, only the files present in the drive memory are saved. - Improvement of the "Inputs/Outputs configuration window" to indroduce two programming levels (Basic and Advanced). - Addition of information regarding the number of downloaded objects after a dictionary download. Version 1.2: ------------ - Addition of the sequence editor - Possibility to start a sequence using the device control window - Management of the Encoder and analog output option - Syntaxic colored editor. - Mathematical functions added to the programming language. - Improvement of the Oscilloscope interface (cursors, size of the pen, trigger level, ...) - Memorization of the last used axis in the Dialog window and Oscilloscope Version 1.01h: -------------- - Improvement of the SD card files generation. Now, all files are saved. Version 1.01g: -------------- - Addition of the menu "Project/open the directory". - Allowing of the Cam digital parameters modification even if the cam is disabled. - Modification of the project creation proceduren in order to avoid having several project files in the same directory. Version 1.01f: -------------- - Modification of the compiler - Changing of the communication server name in order to customize the software - Timing management when reading/writing files on drive, to avoid file reading/writing errors. Version 1.01e: -------------- - Tab management for the various windows. - Servo modes connection matrix implementation. - Addition of the CAN configuration window. - Possibility to switch on Homing profile and to start a homing procedure from the Device Control window. - Possibility to read information from an axis on the fieldbus by selecting the NodeID and without opening a project (menu tools/Read axis information). - Possibility to add or remove a source file for an axis by using the contextual menu in the treeview. - Modification of the versions display format in the Device info window. - Separation of the digital cam configuration from the Inputs/Outputs configuration window. - In the windows "Inputs/Outputs", "Digital cams" and "CAN config.", addition of a button for exporting the configuration into a source file. - Reduction of the possible signal list in the oscilloscope. - Addition of the skin folder into the application installation directory (used to customize the software). Version 1.01d: -------------- - The passwd.dat file is no more removed when the program is uninstalled - The last objects used in the Dialog Window are memorized. - The SD card file generation has been added - The terminal and oscilloscope modules are real-time informed in case of a project file modification. Version 1.01c: -------------- - The Inputs/Outputs item has been added in the treeview, in order to allow the parametrization of the digital inputs, outputs and cams. NOTES: ------ The software development is in progress and some functions may not be yet implemented. In order to avoid execution errors and some random behaviours, it is mandatory to follow the instructions below: 1/ Uninstall all former versions of GemDriveStudio before installing the new one. 2/ If an error of the AITOOL.DLL file occurs during the program installation, choose "Ignore" and continue. 3/ Under WINDOWS Vista, it may be necessary to execute a first time each module of the software (GemDriveStudio, GemDriveOscillo, GemDriveTerminal) as administrator (click on the .exe file with the right mouse button and select "Execute as administrator").