NAVIGATION: Motion profile > Motion profile basic settings

Motion profile basic settings

Motion profile basic setting selection dialog box

In the motion profile settings are made relating to closed-loop control, reference input, profile, interpolation, limitation and reference filtering. The reference filters are initialized only after the control has been re-enabled or by a device restart.

Bild: Basic setting dialog box


P. no. Parameter name/
P 0144 MPRO_DRVCOM_Auto_start Autostart function
(0) Off Normal operation: The drive is stopped by cancelling the start condition.
(1) ON The drive starts immediately when the initialization is complete.
(0) OFF No control location selected
(1) TERM Control via terminal
(2) PARA Control via parameter
(3) Off Not defined
(4) PLC Control via IEC 61131 (iPLC)
(5) CiA 402

Control via CiA402/ EtherCat

(6) SERCOS II Control via SERCOS II
(8) VARAN Control via VARAN
(10) TWIN Control via TWINsync
P 0165 MPRO_REF_SEL Selection of reference source
(0) OFF No reference selected
(1) ANA0 Reference via analog input ISA0
(2) ANA1 Reference via analog input ISA1
(3) TAB Reference via table values
(4) PLC Reference via PLC basic library
(5) PLC Reference via PLC open library
(6) PARA Reference via parameter
(7) CiA 402 Reference via CiA 402
(8) SERCOS Reference via SERCOS
(9) PROFIBUS Reference via PROFIBUS
(10) VARAN Reference via VARAN
(11) TWIN Reference via TWINsync
P 0166 MPRO_Ref_JTime Smoothing time
P 0167 MPRO_Ref_OVR Speed override:
Reference is percentage-weighted.
P 0301 Con_Ref_Mode Selection of interpolation mode
(0) PG PG(0): The reference is generated by the Profile Generator. The internal generation is executed at a sampling time of 125 ms.
(1) IP IP(1): The reference input leads directly to the fine interpolator. Adaptation of the sampling time between the PLC and the drive controller is essential.
P 0306 CON_IpRefTS Adaptation of sampling time between external PLC and drive controller.
P 0335 CON_SCON_DirLock Reversing lock for speed controller
P2243 MPRO_402_Motion_ProfType Profile type PG mode
(0) LinRamp Linear ramp
(1) not used Vacant
(2) not used Vacant
(3) JerkLim Jerk-limited ramp:
Effect with smoothing time set in P 0166.
P 0370 CON_IP

Selection of interpolation method

Interpolation types.htm

(0) NoIp No interpolation
(1) Lin Linear interpolation
(2) SplneExtFF Interpolation with external pre-control value
(3) Spline Cubic spline interpolation
(4) NonIPSpline Cubic spline approximation
(5) Cos Cosine interpolation
P 0743 MON_UsrPosDiffMax Limitation of reference position change
P 0755 MPRO_FG_RefPosFilData

Reference filter

Only active in IP mode

(0) Off No filter active
(1) PT1 PT1 filter with time constant
(2) PT2 PT2 filter with time constant
P 0756 MPRO_FG_RefPosFilData Filter time constant
(0) RefFil_TimeConst PT1/PT2 Filter time constant
(1) RefFil_DampConst Damping constant

Tabelle: Parameters to set motion profile